
If you’re only going to watch one, watch this one.

Food, Inc.
Watching two? Then this one, too.

Food, health, the environment.

Globesity – Fats New Frontier
Truly shocking.

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
Though not for all, juicing (properly) is amazing. Offers interesting scenes as the Australian guy in the documentary talks to Americans of different opinions throughout the country.

Forks over Knives
Requires one to be extra sharp (claims can be a little .. you know.)

The Cove

A docu about three very different people that tries out going vegan for some time. Can be frustrating at times, but interesting in general, in particular with regards to how different people react to going plant-strong.

Food Matters

Hungry for Change

HBO documentary series The Weight of the Nation
Part 1: Consequences
Part 2: Choices
Part 3: Children in Crisis
Part 4: Challenges
I haven’t watched these yet, just started on the first one. Think they might be quite good, though.

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